ELE 105.3 Basic Electrical Engineering (3-1-2)
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 30 20 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 80 20 100
Course Objectives:1. To analyze electric circuits (A.C. & D. C).
2. To work on electrical instrumentation projects.
3. To operate, distinguish and use electrical devices and machines.
Chapter Content Hrs.
1 Introduction
Role of electricity in modern society, Energy sources and production, generation, transmission
and distribution of electrical energy, consumption of electricity
2 DC Circuit Analysis
Circuits concepts (lumped and distributed parameters), linear and nonlinear parameter,
passive and active circuits, Circuit elements (Resistance, capacitance and inductance), their
properties and characteriscts in a geometrical and hardware aspects, color coding, Series of
parallel compilation of resistances, Equivalent resistance and its calculation, star-delta
transformation, concept of power, energy and its calculations, short and open circuit, ideal
and non-ideal sources, source conversion, voltage divider and current divider formula,
Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, nodal method and mesh method of network analysis
(without dependent source), network theorem (i.e Superposition, Thevonin’s, Norton’s),
maximum power transfer.
3 Single Phase AC Circuits Analysis
Generation of EMF by electromagnetic induction, Generation of alternating voltage, sinusoidal
functions-terminology (phase, phase angle, amplitude, frequency, peak to peak value),
average values and RMS or effective value of any types of alternating voltage or current
waveform, phase algebra, power triangle, impedance triangle, steady state response of
circuits (RL, RC,RLC series and parallel) and concept about admittance, impedance
reactance and its triangle), instantaneous power, average real power, reactive power, power
factor and significance of power factor, resonance in series and parallel RLC circuit,
bandwidth, effect of Q factor in resource.
4 Poly-phase AC Circuit Analysis
Concept of a balanced three phase supply, generation and differences between single phase
over three phase system, star and delta connected supply and load circuits. Line and phase
voltage\current relations, power measurement, concept of three phase power and its
measurement by single and two wattmeter method
Pokhara University/Faculty of Science & Technology/Revised Syllabus-2012/First Year common 6
5 Electric Machines
Review of magnetic circuits
Transformers: Principle of operations, features, equivalent circuits, efficiency & regulation,
open circuit & short circuit tests
DC motors: Performance & operation, basic characteristics of motors & generators, speed
control & selection of motors
AC machines: Induction motors (working principles, construction features and uses),
Synchronous motors (working principles, construction and uses)
1. Boylested, Albert , “Introduction of Electric circuit” Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
2. Tiwari, S.N, “A first course of electrical engineering” att. Wheeler & Co.Ltd Allabhad.
1) Thereja B. L & Thereja A. K “ A text book of Electrical Technology, S Chand Publication.
2) Jain& Jain” ABC of Electrical Engineering””
Laboratory Work:
1. To measure current, voltage and power across the passive components.
2. To verify Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) & Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
3. To verify Thevenin's Theorem.
4. To verify maximum power transfer theorem.
5. To verify superposition theorem.
6. To measure three phase power by using two wattmeter
7. To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of a single-phase transformer by direct loading.
8. To study open circuits & short circuits tests on a single phase transformer
9. To study the speed control of dc shunt motor by.
i. Varying the field current with armature voltage held constant field control.
ii. Varying the armature voltage with field current held constant armature control.
10. To study open circuits and load test on a dc shunt generator (separately excited)
i. To determine magnetization characteristics
ii. To determine V-I characteristics of a dc shunt generator
Pokhara University/Faculty of Science & Technology/Revised Syllabus-2012/First Year common 7