CHM 103.4 Chemistry (4-1-2)
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 30 20 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 80 20 100
Course Objectives:1. Analyze chemical behavior of materials
2. Analyze the water quality.
3. Analyze environmental aspects of various elements and compounds.
Chapter Content Hrs.
1. Ionic Equilibria and Electro Chemistry
Introduction and types of buffer solutions, mechanism, Henderson- Hassel Balch equation, electro
chemical cells, Galvanic cell, cell notation, cell reaction, cell potential, single electrode potential ,
standard electrode potential, electro chemical series & its applications, Nernst equation, corrosion,
its type, mechanism and control.
2 General Inorganic Chemistry
Ionization energy, electro negativity, electron affinity, characteristic properties of S and P block
elements, introduction of Transition metals, characteristic properties of transition metals (electronic
configuration, atomic radii, variable oxidation states, complex formation, color and magnetic
3 General Organic Chemistry
Reaction intermediates: carbocations, carbanions and carbon free radicals, stereoisomerism
Organic reaction mechanism: Nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN1&SN2), Electrophilic aromatic
substitution, Elimination (E1 & E2), Electrophilic and free radical addition reaction
4 Polymer Chemistry
Polymer and polymerization, basic concepts , types of polymerization (addition and condensation),
thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, preparation, properties and uses of : polyethylene, PVC,
Teflon, Bakelite’s, Nylon, polyester, polyurethelene and silicon, rubber, processing of natural rubber
and vulcanization
5 Analytical Chemistry
Introduction and application of following analytical techniques: fractional distillation, chromatography
(paper, thin layer) NRM, Mass spectroscopy
6 Industrial Chemistry
Introduction of paints, chemistry of paints, lubricants and its classification, cement, chemistry of
cement, manufacture & its setting mechanism, Explosives: TNT, TNG
7 Environmental Chemistry
Water pollution- causes of water pollution, acid rain, alkalinity COD, DO, Hardness,(effects to human
Pokhara University/Faculty of Science & Technology/Revised Syllabus-2012/First Year common 8
health), control
Air pollution: causes, global warming and climate change ozone layer depletion and CFC, control
Soil pollution: causes, effects and its control measures
Laboratory works
· Use techniques apparatus and instructions properly
· Interpret, evaluate and report upon observations and experimental results
· Design/plan on investigation, select techniques, apparatus and materials
· Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements
Laboratory works
1. Determine of total alkalinity of given water sample
2. Determination of hardness of water sample by complexometric titration
3. Determination of free chorine in the given water sample
4. Preparation of buffer and determination of pH of the solution
5. Estimation of DO in the given water sample
6. Estuation of COD in the given water sample
7. To separate the ink mixture by paper chromatography or TLC (Demo)
8. To purify a sample of mixture of crude alcohol and petroleum by fractional distillation (Demo)
9. To estimate carbon monoxide gas in the car exhaust (Demo)
Text books:
1. Physical Chemistry, B.S. Bahl and G.D. Tuli
2. Advanced inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee
3. Advance Organic Chemistry, Morisson and Boyd 6th edition
4. Engineering Chemistry (with experiments), Sunita Rattan , 4th edition Publisher of Engineering and
Computer books
Reference Books:
1. Satya Prakash, Tuli, Basu, Madan: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chanda & Company Ltd,
New Delhi
2. Polymer Science, V.R. Gowariker, N. V. Vishwanathan
3. Environmental Chemistry, Anil Kumar Datta
4. Advanced Organic Chemistry, A. Bahl and B. S. Bahl
5. Text book of Chemistry P.N. Chaudhary and M.L. Bhusal
6. Lab manual of Engineering Chemistry by S.K. Bhasin and Sudha Rani